Hubble! Hubble! Hubble! April 10 at the Way Station

Update: We’ll have beer specials & giveaways from Peak Organic Beer!

The Hubble Space Telescope is nothing short of iconic, as close to a household name as any scientific instrument in history. (Can you name an instrument at CERN? Take that, particle physicists.) But why is Hubble so important and so expensive? What has it done for us lately? Is it worth $6 billion to put another large, long-lasting telescope in space? Find out at Astronomy on Tap on April 10 at 7 pm at the Way Station...

Hubble Deep Thoughts Jana Grcevich (AMNH)
Supernova Hunting with Hubble Or Graur (Johns Hopkins University & AMNH)
Lost In Space David Gaynes (director, Saving Hubble)
Six Billion Dollar Telescope: The James Webb Space Telescope
Jackie Faherty
(Carnegie Institute & AMNH)

Games, prizes, glow sticks, & astro-tainment from MC DJ Carly Sagan and telescope viewing from the Friendly Neighborhood Astronomer!

HXDF strip

2 thoughts on “Hubble! Hubble! Hubble! April 10 at the Way Station”

    • 7 pm! (Most events are 7-9 pm). Just added it to the page.

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