AoT-Tucson #63: Mars and Magnetic Hurricanes @ Borderlands Brewing Co. October 16th

Tucson’s local flavor of Astronomy on Tap, #SpaceDrafts, presents its 63rd edition with Dr. Chris Impey and Dr. Federico Fraschetti:

Mars in Fact and Fiction – Chris Impey

Magnetic Hurricanes in Other Worlds – Federico Fraschetti

Please join the astronomer Chris Impey from Steward Observatory and planetary scientist Federico Fraschetti from the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory as they tell us about the impact of Mars in fiction and how that compares to reality, and how magnetic hurricanes happen and affect other worlds. Dr. Chris Impey is a professor and deputy head at the Astronomy department of the University of Arizona and his research focuses on observational cosmology. Dr. Federico Fraschetti is a staff scientist and Lecturer in theoretical astroparticle physics at the departments of planetary sciences and physics at the University of Arizona and his research focuses on space physics and high energy astrophysics.

The event is on October 16th, 7pm, at the Borderlands Brewing Company (119 E. Toole Ave, Tucson AZ).
Click on RSVP on Facebook ) to help us with logistics!

The Borderlands Brewing Company (119 E. Toole Ave., Tucson)

Wednesday, October 16th, 7pm (talks starting at 7:30pm)

Please! Thank you!

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As always, Space Drafts is FREE and open to all ages! Bring your four-legged friends too!