The journey with AoT Munich continues in March! As what is hopefully becoming a new tradition, we will see you at Kooks on the last Wednesday of the month for another evening of decidedly dazzling discoveries and greatly gripping games!
This time we will discover the worlds even weirder than the ones we’ve ever seen before. So hold on to your seats and we will keep our orbit as Dr Odele Straub unveils to us The (not so secret) Life of Black Holes.
For those of us who prefer slightly less violent environments but do not want to miss out on all the fun, we will have a talk by Dr Felipe De Oliveira Alves who will tell us all about the magnetic fields in molecular gas!
As always, there will be games to keep you on your toes and little bits of space to bring back home kindly donated by ESO Supernova and Max Planck Institutes for Extraterrestrial Physics and Astrophysics.
See you on the 26th! Doors open at 19:30, event starts at 20:00.