Astronomy on Tap Lausanne offers a second satellite location in Switzerland.
Lead by EPFL students, National laboratories and the Swiss Space Center, the launching year will have a special focus on the Apollo program as we are celebrating the 50 years of Man on the Moon!
Review of our 10th Edition
For our tenth edition, we have gathered for you three people in the field of space who will come to host the AoT party!
Among them, we have :
- Aurélien Verdier : he is currently working at ESA on the Euclid project, a new telescope aiming at mapping the universe with time as the third dimension. It can then observe the evolution of the universe for more than 10 billion years.
- Claudio Grimaldi : researcher at the Laboratory of Physics of Complex Matter at EPFL. He recently published an article on the search for signatures that could show the existence of “technological” life elsewhere than on Earth. He will explain the method used to detect signs of extraterrestrial life.
- Luc Blecha : technical director at Almatech. They have designed and successfully delivered critical flight hardware for more than 10 ESA and CNES missions. They have also just developed the first landing legs for the future European reusable rockets.
Once again, this edition was a great success! We welcomed more than 50 people.
Astronomy on Tap 9 : Space under a lence
For our ninth edition of Astronomy on Tap Lausanne, we invited four different speakers that shared with us their passion of space :
- Jean-Paul Kneib, Co-leader of the mission Euclid at ESA
- Georges Meynet, astrophysicist at the Geneva observatory
- Sirine Asfour and François Perriard, founders of the Swiss Space Law Forum
We also prepared a special Kahoot with some prices that people could play in between two talks.
Astronomy on Tap 8 : To low Earth Orbit and Beyond
For our eighth edition, we invited : the famous swiss-astronaut Claude Nicollier; the manager of the Gaia Satellite and the CEO of the Coactum start-up
All three of them enlightened the night and they have passed on their affinity for space !
Astronomy on Tap 7 : Exploring Space between Space and Fiction
For our seventh edition, we gathered for you Lionel Métrailler working at Clear Space; Kevin Holdcroft working at the Reconfigurable Robotics Lab and Laurence Suhner the author of Quantika
For the seventh time in a row, the event was fully booked and all three speakers were able to explain to the public their current research as well as their discoveries
Astronomy on Tap 5 : Space Oddity
For our fifth edition, we had the pleasure to welcome Manu Stalport, Astrophysicist at the Geneva Observatory; Aurélien Verdier, working at ESA on the Euclid program and Emilie Hertig, an EPFL post-doc working on cosmology
Astronomy on Tap 4 : Zoom on the universe
For our fourth edition, we invited Pr. Yves Revaz, José Rodrigues and Claudio Leonardi
Just like the previous three event we hosted, the room was full and the night was a success!
Astronomy on Tap 3 : The Eagle has Landed
For our third edition, we had the pleasure to have for the public : the famous Swiss-astronaut Claude Nicollier; Apurua Oza an astrophysicist and Antoine Salaun a youtuber specialized on space
Astronomy on Tap 2 : From Earth to Outer Space
As this was our second edition, we decided to invite well-known people from the space domain in order to make this event accessible to anyone that is interested in this !
For this occassion, we invited the Swiss astronaut Claude Nicollier as well as Dr Camille Pirat, Dr. Florian Gallien and Dr. Daniel Angerhausen
Just like the first one, this edition was a success and everyone who came enjoyed the night!
Review of our Launch event !
Our launch event took place on the 12th of November at Satellite, EPFL, and it was a success ! The event was booked within 48h and the evening was great!
Special thanks to all the Satellite staff, who helped us a lot during the evening and to The Swiss Space Center !