AoT Baton Rouge – 10 Sep ONLINE

Welcome to the greatest science talks in all of Baton Rouge! We are attempting our first virtual event, so bear with us!

Dr. Matthew Penny

Visitors From Outer Space: Interstellar Asteroids, Comets, & Rogue Planets

Our own LSU Physics & Astronomy professor will be teaching us about (inorganic) visitors from outer space! There may not be aliens, but rocks and ice can be just as cool (or devastating).

Patrick Vallely

TESS, It’s not just for Exoplanets!

We managed to capture a graduate student at THE Ohio State University’s Astronomy department. Patrick will be talking about the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and how, despite the name, it can also be used to detect exploding stars and tidal disruption events!

Join us (virtually) at 7pm, September 10th:

The talks will be online here!

Come enjoy this FREE event at 7pm. Engage with real life astronomers and discuss the most exciting avenues of science all with the added excitement of beer (in your own home).

You can follow us on Twitter: @astrotapBR or Facebook